Xgboost install windows
Xgboost install windows

xgboost install windows

Download the corresponding package according to your environment. This one Is an unofficial package list provided by the University of California, which provides many Python packages whl file download, XGBoost In Here, I made a copy myself and put it inHere. Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages Installing XGBoost For Anaconda on Windows Come and try. If you are interested, you can refer to the official website and an article in 2016 Official website The method introduced is from GitHub Compile and install, but it did not succeed on my machine, pip The same was unsuccessful. You can refer to Tianqi Chen’s paper XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System, This article is only installed on Windows 10 and Ubuntu XGBoost The method of Python package, Ubuntu version is 16.04 LTS, Python version is 3.5, Anaconda. About what is XGBoost, I will not explain here, if I have time, I will write an article to explain, it is very useful in data science.

Xgboost install windows